Construction projects often experience fluctuations in manpower needs. Whether you're ramping up for a major project or scaling down after completion, our manpower augmentation services offer the flexibility to adjust your workforce accordingly. This scalability helps you maintain efficiency and control costs without compromising on quality. Our local Manpower Augmentation Services include:
Temporary Staffing: Ideal for short-term projects or peak workload periods. Our temporary staffing solutions ensure you have the necessary manpower to meet project deadlines.
Contract Staffing: For long-term projects that require specific expertise. Our contract staffing services provide skilled professionals on a contractual basis, ensuring continuity and quality.
Permanent Staffing: If you’re looking to expand your team permanently, we can help you find the right talent to fit your organizational culture and long-term goals.
TKPIS offers a roster of qualified and experienced professionals such as Project Managers, Project Controls, Quality Control, Supply Chain, Document Control etc. amongst other categories of Project Management and Construction Management professionals.
TKPIS also offers offshore / international manpower augmentation staff including but not limited to Draftsmen, Accounting , Document Control , Project Coordination etc. services.